"Spot the image, watch the light, measure the distans.
Time is critical to find the expression that will last forever"
- Daniel Lindberg, Photographer
My Story
For many years I have been searching for something that will calm my troubled mind, to find a harmony in my life. I escaped during my younger years from reality, looking for adventures and experiences. I just simply packed my backpack and took off around the world, where I met a lot of people from different cultures. I saw a lot of famous buildings and monuments. On my travels, I always had my camera in order to preserve these impressions and experiences, with the camera in hand I found myself lost in both time and space. You are suddenly in a place where the only sound you hear is the camera shutter closing and the only thing you see is the image you´d like to preserv. At that moment you will find memories that will allmost last forever. When I finally realized it was time to settle down, and find a mening of my existence. I moved to the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. Where I after 9 years still live and work, I have now learned to tame my desire for adventure by looking for them now in close proximity. Much of the confidence I now feel, I can thank my friends and family for. They are those who are a great inspiration in my projects and adventures.
The company namn "GUDALI" is the first two letters in my birth namn "Gustav Daniel Lindberg". I started my company in 2009 and has steadily grown every year. Since I would say that I'm more of documentary photographer who loves to find unusual angles and expressions. Create a thin red thread through the story as you'll find in each picture frame.